Contracts for Cairo

A library for secure smart contract development written in Cairo for StarkNet, a decentralized ZK Rollup.


This repo contains highly experimental code. Expect rapid iteration. Use at your own risk.

First time?

Before installing Cairo on your machine, you need to install gmp:

sudo apt install -y libgmp3-dev # linux
brew install gmp # mac
If you have any trouble installing gmp on your Apple M1 computer, here’s a list of potential solutions.

Set up your project

Create a directory for your project, then cd into it and create a Python virtual environment.

mkdir my-project
cd my-project
python3 -m venv env
source env/bin/activate

Install the Nile development environment and then run init to kickstart a new project. Nile will create the project directory structure and install the Cairo language, a local network, and a testing framework.

pip install cairo-nile
nile init

Install the library

pip install openzeppelin-cairo-contracts

Use a basic preset

Presets are ready-to-use contracts that you can deploy right away. They also serve as examples of how to use library modules. Read more about presets.

# contracts/MyToken.cairo

%lang starknet

from openzeppelin.token.erc20.ERC20 import constructor

Compile and deploy it right away:

nile compile

nile deploy MyToken <name> <symbol> <decimals> <initial_supply> <recipient> --alias my_token
<initial_supply> is expected to be two integers i.e. 1 0. See uint256 for more information.

Write a custom contract using library modules

%lang starknet

from starkware.cairo.common.cairo_builtins import HashBuiltin
from starkware.cairo.common.uint256 import Uint256
from import Pausable
from openzeppelin.token.erc20.library import ERC20


func transfer{
        syscall_ptr : felt*,
        pedersen_ptr : HashBuiltin*,
    }(recipient: felt, amount: Uint256) -> (success: felt):
    ERC20.transfer(recipient, amount)
    return (TRUE)