API Reference

Creating a Loader

Before contracts can be loaded, a loader object must be configured.

function setupLoader({ provider, defaultSender, defaultGas, defaultGasPrice }: {
    provider: any;
    defaultSender: string?;
    defaultGas: number?;
    defaultGasPrice: number?;
    artifactsDir?: string;


The web3 provider to use when connecting to the blockchain.

This can be either a plan provider object, or a web3 instance connected to one.


The address to send transactions from when no explicit from field is provided. Optional, no default value.


How much gas to allocate for transactions when no explicit gas field is provided. Optional, defaults to 200 thousand.


The gas price for transactions when no explicit gasPrice field is provided. Optional, defaults to 1 gigawei.


Available since v0.6.1

The directory from where local built (.json) artifacts are loaded, relative to the project’s root directory. Artifacts from dependencies (such as '@openzeppelin/contracts/ERC20') are always loaded from the dependency’s directory.

Optional, defaults to build/contracts.

Using the Loader

setupLoader returns an object with a key for each contract type (web3 or truffle).

Despite these contract abstractions being different, each specialized loader exposes the same Loader interface:

interface Loader {
    fromArtifact(name: string, address?: string): any;
    fromABI(abi: object, bytecode?: string, address?: string): any;

function setupLoader(options) : {
    web3: Loader;
    truffle: Loader;


function fromArtifact(name: string, address?: string): any;

Loads a contract abstraction object from artifacts built by the compiler. If address is provided, it instead returns a contract instance initialized at the provided address.

Receives the contract’s name and looks for its corresponding .json artifact file in the build/contracts directory.

Contracts from dependencies can be loaded by prefixing the contract name with the dependency:



function fromABI(abi: object, bytecode?: string, address?: string): any;

Loads a contract abstraction object from the provided ABI. If address is provided, it instead returns a contract instance initialized at the provided address.

To deploy new contract instances, bytecode must be provided.

The .json artifact files are quite large: use fromABI to minimize how much data your application needs to bundle, or when you only need to interact with existing contracts, but not deploy new ones yourself.

Installing Extra Dependencies

Contract Loader needs to know how to create web3 and Truffle contracts, but it doesn’t force a specific version of either on you.

Instead, it is up to the caller to make sure the required dependencies are available. To load web3 contracts, you may need to install web3-eth-contract, while you may require @truffle/contract for Truffle contracts.

When using web3 contracts, you can pass a web3 instance as provider to setupLoader, and it will use that same instance to create new contracts.